Day 19: Self-Forgiveness for Distractions Galore

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to become preoccupied with research  –  reading material and watching videos about various topics while participating within and as my distraction postponement character as a method of postponing facing myself within this process.

Art by Marlen Vargas Del RazoI forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to get perturbed to the point of anger over the world’s preoccupation with gadgets.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to become angry when I recognize that advertising campaigns for electronic gadgets appeal to consumers by offering an escape from reality where one can remain distracted and preoccupied with everything that can be done with these gadgets, instead of participating within this physical reality.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to become preoccupied over the world’s preoccupation with ‘gadgets’ used primarily as entertainment devices, assigning a negative charge to those gadgets for having judged them as distractions for other people even though, in and of themselves, those gadgets cannot be either positive or negative except within one’s mind.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to become irritated when I see video game advertisements that are full of violence, realizing that participation within the violence of the alternate reality of video games has numbed the senses of millions of people to the point that the violence and atrocities of war has become an acceptable mainstay of daily life for the masses.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to support the industrial military complex, simply through my acceptance and allowance for it to exist, since it has become the backbone of capitalism, requiring continuous growth, and having warmongering politicians bought and paid for by the profit and greed driven leaders of those corporations supporting ever-expanding military-related expenditures, as they seek to control all of the resources of the world they can get away with.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to participate in a money system that supports and perpetuates human slavery in these ‘modern’ times, proving that mankind has not evolved at all over the thousands of years that humans have accepted enslaving their fellow beings.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be complicit in the proliferation of modern day slavery by, as a consumer, financially supporting the companies that manufacture and sell these devices by purchasing these and/or other products from those corporations.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to participate within a money system that is based on profit and greed and allows poverty and starvation to exist, where a child dies every 5 seconds due to hunger related causes.

I forgive myself for NOT accepting and allowing myself to see, realize and understand that there has ALWAYS been an option available to the current money system that is capable of meeting the needs of every living being – providing the basic necessities for everyone to be guaranteed a dignified life.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to become frustrated and angry with politicians, for failing to design and implement a universal Health Care plan capable of providing for all of the healthcare needs of everyone in a ‘cradle to grave’ plan, who instead, succumbed to the influence of profit and greed driven ‘special interest’ groups and continue to self-righteously argue and blame the ‘other party’ for failing to compromise on a plan that would support all.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to become frustrated and angry with our political and money systems for their shortcomings, due to comparing our current system to the Equal Money System proposed by Desteni.

I forgive myself that through my acceptance and allowance, there has been a non-stop assault on this planet to strip her of her resources – all in the interest of profit and greed – instead of realizing that we need to collectively take a stand to STOP and implement a plan that would not only conserve resources but, would also provide for the equal distribution of those resources.

When and as I see myself become angry and frustrated over the current state of affairs in politics, healthcare, the environment, and/or the money system, I Stop, and I breathe, and I realize that it will take time to change these current systems and I commit myself to identify the systems within which I allow myself to become distracted and preoccupied in postponing my process of becoming the change that I want to see in preparing myself to become a co-creator of a world that’s Best for All.

Please join us for discussions about Equality and creating a world that’s Best for All – on the Forum at  Also, have a look at the Equal Money System Solution at

Also, please read some of the Journey to Life blogs, especially:   Creation’s Journey to Life ,  Heaven’s Journey to Life & Earth’s Journey to Life, among the many blogs listed, that are written by others walking this journey.

And, check out the FREE downloads at eqafe

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